5 Easy Tips to Start your Own Eyelash Extensions Business

Starting a Lash Business 101

Starting an eyelash extensions business is a major undertaking. It can eat you up financially, emotionally, physically, socially — all the other aspects of your life might be affected. That is why it’s important that you research and get all the help you need. Find out some useful tips, get rid of possible problems that you might encounter and etc.

In this blog, I’ll share with you some tips that can basically help you get started with your very own lash business.

Where do you want your business to take you?

Have a Clear Vision and Goal

Set your principles. A crucial step in any form of business is deciding what your vision or goal is before starting. This is will serve as the platform for your business journey.

Before jumping the gun and deciding on major life-altering scenarios, ask yourself what your goals. What are your current goals in terms of your lash business? What is your 5 or 10-year plan? When doing so, consider all the

essential elements — the startup cost of rent, time and commitment, will you be doing it part-time or full-time?

Believe me, it’s not easy and the beginning is usually the hardest. Well, it was for me anyways.

Once you have decided which route to take, it will be a smoother journey because you have a clear path as to where you are going. You know which direction to take and use this as your guiding point in every decision you ought to make about your eyelash extensions business.

Take a Leap of Faith

If you have set your mind into a goal of setting up your own eyelash business full-time, then be prepared to ‘take a leap of faith’. Yes as cliche as it may sound, jumping into the lash business and making a success out of it, needs a “leap of faith”. I have shared in my previous blog about the Top 2 Tips you can use to Create a Super Successful Eyelash Extension Business and how utilizing the Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset and the Law of Attraction principles can help you grow a successful eyelash extension business.

Yes, it may seem to a lot of work because it honestly is! But if this is really what you want, all the hard work and dedication will pay off. If I can do it, so can you!

Have your Own Unique Brand

When you have the goal and faith to keep you going, think of your BRAND. Your brand is your identity and it can help you shine from the rest. Be as unique as you can be. With your goals and principles in mind, you can definitely find your own, true Brand.

Get to the Nitty Gritty and Register your Business Name

It may be the last but it is definitely an important part is registering your business name. This is where the meticulous research comes in. Register your business name with your local authorities. It is different in every state, city so make sure that you exhaust your time in filling out and submitting every legal document needed for the registration of your business.

Stay Motivated and Positive in your Lashing Journey

And most of all, you need to have a positive attitude. Dedication, hard work, and faith can get you to the success of your eyelash extensions business. And when you are already at the top of your game, when you have reached your lash business goals, be sure that you keep the right principles along the path to success. Help out beginner lash artists and provide them with the support and inspiration needed.


Ps. If you want to upgrade your business success, here’s how to confidently create amazing lashes and double and even triple your income as a lash artist. The 15 Steps to a Booming Lash Business is the right tool for you!

PPS. If you liked my blog post about “5 Easy Tips to Start your Own Eyelash Extensions Business” please share it and leave me a comment. xxx

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